Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name: Maohamed El Sayed Ahmed El-Demerdash

Current Job: Ph.D student at Department of Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend

Birth Date 01/12/1970

Birth Place: Talkha, Mansoura, Dakahlia, Egypt

Nationality: Egyptian

Religion: Muslim

Marital Status: Married and I have 2 daughters.

Contact Data

Home Address: 55 Eutighhofer Street, 73525 Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany

Home Tel: 0049 07171 934933

Work Address: 200 Oberbettringer Street, 73525 Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany

E Mail Address:

Work Tel: 0049 07171 983247

             : 0049 07171 983475

Mobile: 0049 017654579310

Fax: 0049 07171 983 212

Scientific Qualification

2007 Registering for the Ph.D. in Mathematics Education at Department of Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend in 17/1/2007. The working title: "The Effectiveness of an Enrichment Program Using Interactive Dynamic Geometry Software in Developing Mathematically Gifted Students' Geometric Creativity in the High Schools".
2004 Obtaining the MA Degree in Curriculum and methods of teaching Mathematics at Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University. The thesis was entitled: "The Role of Concrete Manipulative Materials in Improving Achievement Level of Visually Handicapped Pupils in Mathematics".
1999 UMBC Egyptian Scholar Program. The University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA.
1996 Obtaining a Special Diploma in curriculum and teaching methods at Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.
1995 Obtaining a Professional Diploma in curriculum and methods of teaching Mathematics at Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.
1992 Obtaining the BA in Mathematics at Mansoura Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

Work History

Ph.D student at Department of Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, The University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend from December 2006 up till now.
Assistant teacher of curriculum and methods of teaching Mathematics at Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from 16/3/2004 till November 2006
Demonstrator of curriculum and methods of teaching Mathematics at Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from 12/10/1999 till  16/3/2004
Mathematics teacher at Mansoura Experimental Language School, Dakahlya Ministry of Education, from 1/9/1992 till 12/10/1999

Training Sessions

First: Training programs pertinent to Staff training projects, University Development Center, Mansoura University

  1. Time Managment and Work Problems Skills [P3]: 20 hours, from 25/9/2005 to 28/9/2005.

  2. Effective teaching skills [T1]: 30 hours, from 18/6/2005 to 23/6/2005.

  3. Thinking skills [P1]: 24 hours, from 5/10/2004 to 7/10/2004.

  4. Professional ethics [P4]: 24 hours, from 2/10/2004 to 3/10/2004.

  5. Effective communication skills [I2]: 24 hours, from 28/9/2004 to 30/9/2004.

  6. Scientific research skills [T4]: 24 hours, from 25/9/2004 to 27/9/2004.

Second: Training programs pertinent to Faculties of Education Development projects

  1. Student/teacher performance evaluation: 24 hours, from 9/7/2005 to 12/7/2005.

  2. Effective school administration: 12 hours, from 13/7/2005 to 14/7/2005.

  3. University teaching: 24 hours, from 8/8/2005 to 11/8/2005.

  4. Scientific research in Education: 24 hours, from 22/8/2005 to 25/8/2005.

  5. Effective Learning: 12 hours, from 12/9/2005 to 13/9/2005.

Third: University teacher preparation program, session (44)

Faculty of Education, Mansoura University from 20/10/2001 to 20/11/2001.

Fourth: Training sessions in computer

  1. Obtaining the E/ICDL "European / International Computer Driving License" Certified from UNESCO June 2004

  2. Attending a training session on the seven curricula related to International Computer Leadership held in the Scientific Calculation Center, Mansoura University and pertinent to Faculties of Education Development projects from 29/2/2004 till 11/5/2004 with a total of 120 hours of training.

  3. Attending the following computer training sessions

    • Microsoft Word

    • Microsoft Excel

    • Microsoft Power Point

    • Internet   

The above-mentioned sessions were held in Maryland University (UMBC) in the USA in 1999.

Fifth: Training sessions on the English language:

  1. Passing the International TOEFL Test with score (193) in 28/08/2005

  2. Attending the English for Math and Science teachers program at the Central Training Center in Sharkya – Ministry of Education – from 8/8/1998 till 22/10/1998.

  3. Attending and passing an advanced English language session (A), 72 hours at the General Service Center, Mansoura university, from 8/8/1998 till 22/10/1998.

Research Projects

Assistant researcher on a research financed by the Research Center in Mansoura University entitled "Adult Education Programs in the light of the contemporary challenges and the environmental requirements of Damietta governorate – evaluative study" 2005-2006.
A researcher in the executive team of the Electronic Learning Program held in Damietta faculty of Education and financed by the PUM as one of the FOEP projects. This project was entitled "project of developing staff and assistants in Damietta Faculty of Education for integrating E-learning in the educational process" 2005-2006.
A researcher in the research team working on the Internal Quality System Project of Damietta Faculty of Education entitled "Project Unit Management PUM and Higher Education Enhancement" 2006.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Mathematics to the primary and elementary grades at Mansoura Experimental Language School, Dakahlya Ministry of Education.
Teaching methods of teaching skills labs to third and fourth year students, Department of Mathematics at Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.
Teaching Activities labs to third and fourth year students, Department of Mathematics at Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.
Teaching the practice section of the subject 'Using Computer in Education' to third and fourth year prospective Kindergarten teachers at Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University.

Academic Conferences and Symposia

First: Conferences I attended

  1. Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreis Mathematikunterricht und Informatik (AKMUI), from 26th till 28th September 2008. I contribute with a talk entitled: "Suggested Enrichment Program Using Cinderella (DGS) in Developing Geometric Creativity

  2. The Faculty's Annual Academic Conference entitled "Education and Society" at Damietta Faculty of Education, from the 25th till the 26th of June, 2003.

  3. The Eighth Annual Academic Conference of the Scientific Research Association on Educational Mathematics entitled "Research on Educational Mathematics", Guest House, Ain Shams University, from the 4th till the 5th of August, 2002.

  4. Procedures of the First Academic Conference of Scientific Research Association on Educational Mathematics entitled "School Mathematics: Standards and Criteria", Faculty of Education, University of the Sixth of October, from the 21st till the 22nd of February, 2001.

  5. The 14th national STS Meeting (Decisions for the Millennium), 4-6 March 1999, Baltimore, MD.

Second: Symposia I shared in their organization

  1. Symposium on Contemporary Trends in Adult Education Programs

  2. Date of the Symposium: February, 26, 2003.

    The organizing party: Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University, published in Damietta Faculty of Education Journal, volume 42, February, 2003.

  3. Symposium on General Imagination

Date of the Symposium: February, 10, 2004

Lecturer's name: Professor Abdel Raoof Abo El-Saad

The organizing party: Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University, published in Damietta Faculty of Education Journal, volume 45, February, 2004

Third: Symposia I attended

      1. Symposium on Secondary Education Framework and its effects on Higher Education in the Arab world

      2. Date of the Symposium: April, 20, 2004

        Lecturer's name: Professor Mohammad Ezzat Abdel-Mawgood

        The organizing party: Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University, published in Damietta Faculty of Education Journal, volume 46, July, 2004

      3. MASTA Curriculum Reform Symposium, April 17th 1999, Maryland, USA.

      4. Teacher Symposium (Perspectives on k-12 Education), April 28th 1999 UMBC

        Maryland, USA.

Social/Cultural Conferences and Symposia

  1. Participating in an educative, enriching session held in the leaders' preparation institute in Helwan, Helwan University, from the 10th till the 15th of November, 2000.

  2. Participating in a cultural conference on leaders' preparation in Sheikh Zewid, from the 20th till the 26th of August, 1992.

Activities in the field of environmental service and social development

  1. Supervising Basic Education students in the field practice on Literacy and Adult Education.

  2. Participating in a training program for training Literacy and Adult Education.

    recently graduated teachers through lectures and workshops on:

    • Arithmetic teaching methods

    • Arithmetic teaching difficulties and techniques of handling them

    • Adult Mathematical thinking elements and applications

    • Cognitive complementarity and learning styles

    • Effective teaching and active learning

    • Complementary lesson planning skills (Arabic + Arithmetic)

Talks in Mathematics Seminars

  1. The Role of Algebric Tiles in developing Some Algebric Concepts. Mathematics Seminar of the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, May. 24th 2007

  2. Suggested Enrichment Program Using Cinderella (DGS) in Developing Geometric Creativity. Mathematics Seminar of the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, Nov. 27th 2008

Academic works

  1. Designing and developing a suggested enrichment program using Cinderella (DGS) to enhance the geometric creativity among the mathematically gifted students, 2007-2008.

  2. Designing geometric creativity test (GCT), 2007-2008

  3. Unpublished MA thesis entitled "The Role of Concrete Manipulative Materials in Improving Achievement Level of Visually Handicapped Pupils in Mathematics". Damietta faculty of Education, Mansoura University in March, 2004.