The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Is it possible to draw a ray?

2 stars
Is it possible to draw a ray?

I cannot figure out how to draw a ray in Cinderella 2. Is there any way to do it?

on: Mon 05 of Jun, 2006 [12:55 UTC] reads: 137515

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author message
3 stars
Re: Is it possible to draw a ray?
on: Thu 13 of Nov, 2008 [19:57 UTC]
> I cannot figure out how to draw a ray in Cinderella 2. Is there any way to do it?

I would still love to be able to draw a ray. Do you still plan to add this feature?

author message
Re: Re: Is it possible to draw a ray?
on: Tue 18 of Nov, 2008 [07:27 UTC]
> > I cannot figure out how to draw a ray in Cinderella 2. Is there any way to do it?
> I would still love to be able to draw a ray. Do you still plan to add this feature?

yes, it is still on the list!


author message
Aw: Is it possible to draw a ray?
on: Mon 05 of Jun, 2006 [13:00 UTC]

no, not yet. You can work around this by using a segment.

We will include this feature in an update soon.


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