The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro

2 stars
problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro

I have many Cinderella-generated applets on my web site -

All work fine on-line in any browser on all my Windows XP SP3 machines. (I have several!)

None of them works on-line in any browser on my Windows 7 Pro machine, though all work _off-line_ on this machine, from the source *.html files of my site.

I have the latest JRE 1.7 runtime installed.

I have re-installed everything, re-compiled the applets, and scanned for viruses, but nothing helps. No other java applets from the internet seem affected, only those from Cinderella.

Any notion of what might be going wrong?

Many thanks!

on: Tue 02 of Oct, 2012 [15:17 UTC] reads: 173626

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Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro
on: Tue 27 of Aug, 2013 [16:25 UTC]
Acutally, I ran into exactly the same problem – and it was giving me a very hard time. The story behind this is that Java Applets coming from local files are assumed to be more dangerous than Java Applets downloaded from the net (and there are technical reasons that justify this assumption). This lead to local applets being abolished by recent Java plugins. There have been workarounds, but they are gone now as well.

Long sad story – but there is a solution. Our recent beta is using a different export mechanism, which (a) includes the .cdy file in the HTML and (b) uses a remote Cinderella runtime downloaded from our servers, which will be cached once you used it. This makes it possible to run Applets locally and also offline (if used online once).

Please try the new version at and let me know whether that works for you. For your exports you will now only need the .html file, the .cdy and the cindyrun2.jar are not necessary anymore. Also, you can load the .html in Cinderella again to have access to the embedded construction.

all the best

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2 stars
Re: Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro
on: Tue 27 of Aug, 2013 [23:34 UTC]

Dear Ulli

I saw your response with its recommendation only after I sent my note about installing an old java runtime. Your solution is better than mine!

I have downloaded and tried your new version, using it to export a cindy file to HTML. It works offline, I'm happy to report - and with the latest java runtime! I had a look at its HTML code using the Chrome browser — very neat. Brilliant idea to embed code as base64 text. Well done!

I will try exporting some of my existing Cindy applets to HTML using this new version. I assume I can still do as I have done before - view the HTML code in a browser, cut it from there, paste into my web page source, and send it off.

If that works, I suppose I will have to re-do all my site's Cindy applets in the same way - but that's no great pain.

Many thanks indeed!

> Acutally, I ran into exactly the same problem – and it was giving me a very hard time. The story behind this is that Java Applets coming from local files are assumed to be more dangerous than Java Applets downloaded from the net (and there are technical reasons that justify this assumption). This lead to local applets being abolished by recent Java plugins. There have been workarounds, but they are gone now as well.
> Long sad story – but there is a solution. Our recent beta is using a different export mechanism, which (a) includes the .cdy file in the HTML and (b) uses a remote Cinderella runtime downloaded from our servers, which will be cached once you used it. This makes it possible to run Applets locally and also offline (if used online once).
> Please try the new version at and let me know whether that works for you. For your exports you will now only need the .html file, the .cdy and the cindyrun2.jar are not necessary anymore. Also, you can load the .html in Cinderella again to have access to the embedded construction.
> all the best
> Ulli

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Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro
on: Thu 04 of Oct, 2012 [16:17 UTC]

this is hard to answer. I suppose there are some security settings on your Win 7 Pro machine that prevent the applets from starting... but you wrote that others work. Strange, indeed.

Do you get any error messages when you try to view the applets?

Do you know anybody else using Windows 7 who could try them?

Sorry for the trouble, I hope we can figure out what is going wrong.


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2 stars
Re: Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro
on: Tue 27 of Aug, 2013 [15:51 UTC]
> cuddylugs,
> this is hard to answer. I suppose there are some security settings on your Win 7 Pro machine that prevent the applets from starting... but you wrote that others work. Strange, indeed.
> Do you get any error messages when you try to view the applets?
> Do you know anybody else using Windows 7 who could try them?
> Sorry for the trouble, I hope we can figure out what is going wrong.
> Ulli

Many thanks - that particular trouble derived from a Java Runtime bug, which was fixed, and not in Cindy, but now we have a new issue: I can't persuade the Java Plugin to run Java Applets offline, in any browser, because of Java's new security arrangements.

This is a serious nuisance.

If I want a web page, even from my own web-site, to show a Cindy-made applet, I must download the page from the internet. Now, I often used a local copy of my site in talks and demos in places without a web connection — but can no longer do this. I am seriously vexed!

Moreover, Cindy's "web-ready" publications simply do not show, in any browser, so local web-page development, at least in regard to applets, is now nearly impossible (although, strangely, I can cut and paste the applet code from Cindy's publishings, and that from the internet. So much for security!). Thus Java updating has broken your "Publish to the Web" facilities.

Almost certainly other Cindy users have hit this problem. Have they, or you, found a workaround?


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2 stars
Re: Re: Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro
on: Tue 27 of Aug, 2013 [21:52 UTC]
Dear Ulli

I have found that, in connection with the "no-show" issue I complained about earlier (copied below), if one deletes the "latest" Java Runtime, and instead installs an older one - a 1.6 version, perhaps - browsers then do show Cindy applets from locally stored web sites, though prefaced by an annoying 'reminder' and, "Run this time?", banner popup. I can live with it, but it would be nice to have this stopped,too.

Cindy's "Web ready" publications then do show, but only if re-made, apparently: older makes don't. Odd.

Best wishes

>... but now we have a new issue: I can't persuade the Java Plugin to run Java Applets offline, in any browser, because of Java's new security arrangements.
> This is a serious nuisance.
> If I want a web page, even from my own web-site, to show a Cindy-made applet, I must download the page from the internet. Now, I often used a local copy of my site in talks and demos in places without a web connection — but can no longer do this. I am seriously vexed!
> Moreover, Cindy's "web-ready" publications simply do not show, in any browser, so local web-page development, at least in regard to applets, is now nearly impossible (although, strangely, I can cut and paste the applet code from Cindy's publishings, and that from the internet. So much for security!). Thus Java updating has broken your "Publish to the Web" facilities.
> Almost certainly other Cindy users have hit this problem. Have they, or you, found a workaround?
> Best.

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