The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro->Re: Re: Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro

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Re: Re: Aw: problem with Cinderella Applets on Windows 7 pro

Dear Ulli

I have found that, in connection with the "no-show" issue I complained about earlier (copied below), if one deletes the "latest" Java Runtime, and instead installs an older one - a 1.6 version, perhaps - browsers then do show Cindy applets from locally stored web sites, though prefaced by an annoying 'reminder' and, "Run this time?", banner popup. I can live with it, but it would be nice to have this stopped,too.

Cindy's "Web ready" publications then do show, but only if re-made, apparently: older makes don't. Odd.

Best wishes

>... but now we have a new issue: I can't persuade the Java Plugin to run Java Applets offline, in any browser, because of Java's new security arrangements.
> This is a serious nuisance.
> If I want a web page, even from my own web-site, to show a Cindy-made applet, I must download the page from the internet. Now, I often used a local copy of my site in talks and demos in places without a web connection — but can no longer do this. I am seriously vexed!
> Moreover, Cindy's "web-ready" publications simply do not show, in any browser, so local web-page development, at least in regard to applets, is now nearly impossible (although, strangely, I can cut and paste the applet code from Cindy's publishings, and that from the internet. So much for security!). Thus Java updating has broken your "Publish to the Web" facilities.
> Almost certainly other Cindy users have hit this problem. Have they, or you, found a workaround?
> Best.

on: Tue 27 of Aug, 2013 [21:52 UTC] reads: 10130

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