The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Zoom Tool not longer available after first start

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Zoom Tool not longer available after first start

Tested Cinderella and somehow managed to get rid of the zoom, grid... etc tools in euclidian view. Suspect, that I resized the toolbar by chance, but I'm not able to redo this (although there are grey lines of two pixels height occuring at mouseover directly atop of the information line). Restart does not help!

on: Mon 27 of Feb, 2006 [10:18 UTC] reads: 156096

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Aw: Zoom Tool not longer available after first start
on: Mon 27 of Feb, 2006 [10:31 UTC]

Just double-click on the grey lines and it will come back!


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