The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

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Cinderella Sun JVM Issues


I am writing from Colchester Royal Grammar School. We are having problems accessing some Java apps that are on the website - for example:

The problem we are having is that the icons on the bottom of the Java applet are either corrupted or do not display at all.

We are using the Sun Java Virtual Machine to view these Java applets. I have tried version 1.4.2_06 (the latest version from the Sun Java website) and version 1.5.0_b64 as well, and neither works properly.

However, if we access the applets using the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, there is no problem.

I tried to bring up this issue with the owner of MathsNet? in the following forum post:
(see the bottom of the post for my comments)

but he seemed to indicate that this was a problem with Cinderella rather than with his site in particular.

Please could you look into this issue, and if it is a problem with Cinderella solve it as quickly as possible. I do not know if you aware but new computers are no longer supplied with the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine as a result of a lawsuit with Sun. See the following page on the Microsoft website:

This means that it is essential that all websites that use Java test their software fully with the Sun Java Virtual Machine, as this will soon become the de-facto standard on new computers (to take the biggest example, Dell now supply the Sun JVM with their new computers).

There are some issues involved in migrating code from the MS JVM to the Sun JVM, because the MS JVM is not entirely standards compliant (which is why the lawsuit happened). Sun have a page up which contains some information on migrating from MS JVM to Sun JVM and possible issues that may be involved - see the bottom of this website:

Please let me know if this is indeed a problem with your software, or whether I should be looking elsewhere for a solution.

Thank you very much!

on: Tue 25 of Jan, 2005 [16:17 UTC] reads: 143494

Posted messages

author message
Re: Cinderella Sun JVM Issues
on: Wed 26 of Jan, 2005 [08:06 UTC]

we are aware of the problem, and we already fixed this for version 1.4 of Cinderella. The cindyrun.jar file that comes with the downloadable demo (which is identical to the non-demo version of the runtime) does not exhibit this behavior. If you (or, in this case, the owner of MathsNet) replace the cindyrun.jar file there with the most recent version then everything should be fine again.

By the way — this is a weird bug, indeed: It seems like the latest releases of Sun's JVM are not able to decode GIF files correctly. The new cindyrun.jar uses the PNG format instead.

Hope this helps,

Ulli Kortenkamp

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