The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella
Forums-> Cinderella Support (E)-> Cinderella 2 - mess of menu language
Cinderella 2 - mess of menu language
I have installed Cinderella 2 (v 2.0.17), on an Italian Window XP Pro system, version 2002, SP2, with JAVA machine JDK1.6.0_03, and I have got menu both in Italian and English language, mixed together (See picture in the attached file).
For solving this minor defect, open the configuration file “” and change the line “cinderella.locale=” as the following
for restoring the local English menu
for restoring the local Italian menu.
(But it is useless because there is no Italian documentation in the Cinderella 2 package. )
In any case you can refer to the freeware Cinderella 1.4 Italian documentation that is pretty good.
Good calculation everybody
Leonardo Volpi