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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Learning from blog posts

3 stars
Learning from blog posts

To learn from blog posts you need to get the CDY file in order to see the scripts, or to play with it in your own copy of Cinderella.

It would be nice if there was a simple way to get the CDY file for a blog post, like a link. Currently you have to "view source" for the blog post, search for the filename, and enter it properly. The filename isn't an obvious variation of the blog post title or file, and isn't in the same directory.

Or - is there in fact an easier way that I haven't found?

-- David

on: Mon 06 of Oct, 2008 [21:07 UTC] reads: 130719

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3 stars
Re: Learning from blog posts
on: Sat 11 of Oct, 2008 [00:05 UTC]
Given this great start I modified it to work for me using IE7:


The difference is I specify the directory /uploads in the link.

Thanks for the help! — David

author message
Aw: Re: Learning from blog posts
on: Sat 11 of Oct, 2008 [14:38 UTC]
> Given this great start I modified it to work for me using IE7:

and here is a version that is even better (more robust):



author message
Aw: Learning from blog posts
on: Fri 10 of Oct, 2008 [11:49 UTC]

no, unfortunately there is no easier way. We will implement an easy solution (right-click on the applet to download the .cdy) for the next version.

Perhaps somebody can come up with a bookmarklet that will do the job?


author message
Aw: Aw: Learning from blog posts
on: Fri 10 of Oct, 2008 [12:16 UTC]
> Perhaps somebody can come up with a bookmarklet that will do the job?

To answer my own request... just create a bookmark with the following URL:


and when you choose it it will pop up a window with links to all .cdy files on a page.


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