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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Questions on the speed of custom tools

2 stars
Questions on the speed of custom tools

I have been using Cindy 2 beta for a couple of months.
I have many problems. Before I would buy the final, I would like to get some answers to my most important questions:

1. On the speed of custom tools. In the beta version the custom tools work untolerably slow.
- Creating the new tool takes minutes in the case of a relativeky complicated construction. I have a three year old VAIO note book and a desk top machine of about the same quality...
- The worst thing is that you have to wait when trying to redefine a point. Why does it take that long for a point to get moving during redefinitions? Also, why does it take that long to hilite the next pont after a having redefined the previous one? Do the custom tools work faster in the final version?

2. Sensitivity of invisible objects. Sometimes I have a feeling that invisible (made invisible with the "invisible" check box) objects have some sensitivity. P. ex. I experienced that if a visible point gets close enough to an invisible one then it disappears or jumps on it. Is there something I do wrong? If not am I wrong? Is this OK in the case of the final version?

3. What happens to a parabola or a pair of hyperbola branches after making them invisible? Why can I not get my such objects back? This can be disastrous in the case of my constructions. I have bee trying to construct the crossing points of 9 parabolas for a week. I have started everything over and over again at least 20 times. Always failed. One of the reasons, in my opinion, is the problem with the phenomena described above .

4. Crossing point of objects. I would understand if the crossing point of circles and hyperbolas, or hyperbolas and parabolas could not be defined considering that these are not Euclidean constructions. How come that the crossing point of a hyperbola and a parabola can be constructed? This is confusing... Do I do anything wrong? Or just have to be happy that at least in the case of a hy and a par the crossing point works? Or is this corrected in the case of the final?


on: Tue 16 of Dec, 2008 [19:19 UTC] reads: 139597

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Aw: Questions on the speed of custom tools
on: Sat 03 of Jan, 2009 [20:29 UTC]
You also wrote:

> 5. I attached a problem file. Here the task was to connect two given points (on two different parabola) with the same parabola. Most of the constructions disappeared and even the stage light cold not locate them. I would be greatful if somebody told me what is so wrong with this construction.

(which I accidently deleted)

I think that the disappearing elements might also be caused by the evaluation version. In any case, if you send me the file to I will have a look at it.


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Aw: Questions on the speed of custom tools
on: Sat 03 of Jan, 2009 [20:24 UTC]
> 1. On the speed of custom tools. In the beta version the custom tools work untolerably slow.
> - Creating the new tool takes minutes in the case of a relativeky complicated construction. I have a three year old VAIO note book and a desk top machine of about the same quality...
> - The worst thing is that you have to wait when trying to redefine a point. Why does it take that long for a point to get moving during redefinitions? Also, why does it take that long to hilite the next pont after a having redefined the previous one? Do the custom tools work faster in the final version?

Can you send me an example file (to with steps to reproduce? It should not take so long as you describe (though a short delay can happen).

> 2. Sensitivity of invisible objects. Sometimes I have a feeling that invisible (made invisible with the "invisible" check box) objects have some sensitivity. P. ex. I experienced that if a visible point gets close enough to an invisible one then it disappears or jumps on it. Is there something I do wrong? If not am I wrong? Is this OK in the case of the final version?

This should not happen. Again, please send me some steps to reproduce this behavior, and I will check that.

> 3. What happens to a parabola or a pair of hyperbola branches after making them invisible? Why can I not get my such objects back? This can be disastrous in the case of my constructions. I have bee trying to construct the crossing points of 9 parabolas for a week. I have started everything over and over again at least 20 times. Always failed. One of the reasons, in my opinion, is the problem with the phenomena described above .

You can always use the "show all" button to make all elements reappear. Or you can use the construction text (shortcut is control + 4) where all elements, even invisible ones, are visible).

> 4. Crossing point of objects. I would understand if the crossing point of circles and hyperbolas, or hyperbolas and parabolas could not be defined considering that these are not Euclidean constructions. How come that the crossing point of a hyperbola and a parabola can be constructed? This is confusing... Do I do anything wrong? Or just have to be happy that at least in the case of a hy and a par the crossing point works? Or is this corrected in the case of the final?

You can construct the crossing points of circles and hyperbolas, actually you can create all intersection points of two conics. Just use the "add a point" mode and place the point on the intersection.

I am sorry that you experienced such problems - but I am sure we can find out what went wrong. Also, please take my apologies for answering so late, I was away from the Internet during the holiday season most of the time.


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2 stars
Re: Questions on the speed of custom tools
on: Sat 20 of Dec, 2008 [01:49 UTC]


I have downloaded the evaluation copy now.
I am disappointed again, even more disappointed.

The custom tools cretion feature does not work at all no.
In the case of the beta version the custom tools worked, slowly though.
In the final you can create only one element with a custom tool. This is very very disappointing.

I have been using Cindy 2 beta for a couple of months.
> I have many problems. Before I would buy the final, I would like to get some answers to my most important questions:
> 1. On the speed of custom tools. In the beta version the custom tools work untolerably slow.
> - Creating the new tool takes minutes in the case of a relativeky complicated construction. I have a three year old VAIO note book and a desk top machine of about the same quality...
> - The worst thing is that you have to wait when trying to redefine a point. Why does it take that long for a point to get moving during redefinitions? Also, why does it take that long to hilite the next pont after a having redefined the previous one? Do the custom tools work faster in the final version?
> 2. Sensitivity of invisible objects. Sometimes I have a feeling that invisible (made invisible with the "invisible" check box) objects have some sensitivity. P. ex. I experienced that if a visible point gets close enough to an invisible one then it disappears or jumps on it. Is there something I do wrong? If not am I wrong? Is this OK in the case of the final version?
> 3. What happens to a parabola or a pair of hyperbola branches after making them invisible? Why can I not get my such objects back? This can be disastrous in the case of my constructions. I have bee trying to construct the crossing points of 9 parabolas for a week. I have started everything over and over again at least 20 times. Always failed. One of the reasons, in my opinion, is the problem with the phenomena described above .
> 4. Crossing point of objects. I would understand if the crossing point of circles and hyperbolas, or hyperbolas and parabolas could not be defined considering that these are not Euclidean constructions. How come that the crossing point of a hyperbola and a parabola can be constructed? This is confusing... Do I do anything wrong? Or just have to be happy that at least in the case of a hy and a par the crossing point works? Or is this corrected in the case of the final?
> Zoli
> (

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Aw: Re: Questions on the speed of custom tools
on: Sat 03 of Jan, 2009 [20:19 UTC]
> frown
> I have downloaded the evaluation copy now.
> I am disappointed again, even more disappointed.
> The custom tools cretion feature does not work at all no.
> In the case of the beta version the custom tools worked, slowly though.
> In the final you can create only one element with a custom tool. This is very very disappointing.


Sorry, this is caused by the stupid save limitation we built in for the evaluation version, which affects also copy and tool creation — that's definitely a bug, but only affects the evaluation version, so it slipped through.


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