The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->blog post function doesn't use proper translation when exporting

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blog post function doesn't use proper translation when exporting

I'm not sure if you caught my comment on my blog post Construction of a Conic from 5 Points via Pascal's Theorem - but there is a problem exporting a blog post: The exported applet doesn't show what was in the Cinderella window when the construction was exported. The translation can be wrong - I believe in this case that I sized the window to the size I wanted the applet, then I used the translate (drag) tool to move the construction so that it was centered in the window. But the exported applet, as it appears on the blog, shows the construction off center, where it was before I dragged it to the right place.

This is unfortunate, especially because the applet doens't display scroll bars or have a translate tool.

-- David

on: Sat 03 of Jan, 2009 [19:09 UTC] reads: 102970

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Aw: blog post function doesn't use proper translation when exporting
on: Sat 03 of Jan, 2009 [20:12 UTC]

I think I have an old version of cindyrun.jar on the blog server. As soon as I replace it, this bug will go away (hopefully).


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