The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->default background color

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default background color

I am new to Cinderella and am trying out various possibilities. I like it very much! However, I do have trouble making out the difference between colors with litte contrast. In most cases I can switch to more contrasting colors. I find a black background works best for me. But then I can hardly see the coordinate axes and the mesh. Is it at all possible to change their color?
More generally, I wonder why you chose that blue-grey color as the default backgound color. In nearly all the examples you show in the gallery of your website I can hardly see the other colors and deciphet the text.
I hope their is some trick to change these default colors.

on: Sat 10 of Mar, 2012 [13:19 UTC] reads: 107780

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Re: default background color
on: Mon 12 of Mar, 2012 [07:41 UTC]

you can change the color of the background mesh (as well as the background color) in the Inspector. The setting "label color" will also influence the grid color. However, you are right when you complain that there is not enough contrast – even if I choose plain white as grid color it is hardly visible on a black background.

I will file an enhancement request and we might improve this in the future, sorry for this inconvenience!


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