The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->How to post on blog?

3 stars
How to post on blog?

i wish to post some sketches on cinderella's blog...but i have some problems.
I am a registered user on blog, but i don't known where and how to put my cdy file...and what about cindyrun.jar?
Must i create an html file of my construction?

Help me please biggrin

Have a nice day.


on: Sat 12 of May, 2012 [06:52 UTC] reads: 99362

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Re: How to post on blog?
on: Sat 12 of May, 2012 [11:43 UTC]

in the export feature of Cinderella you can choose "post to blog" - the URL is, blog ID is 1, and your user name and password should be known…

Hope that helps, looking forward to see your posts.


author message
3 stars
Re: Re: How to post on blog?
on: Mon 14 of May, 2012 [06:13 UTC]
Thanks a lot!
I was trying to post from serendipity page...
Don't hope to much from my posts biggrin... i'm a newbie.


p.s. i have posted and all works fine. Thanks again.

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