The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Does the Extended School license apply to a university department?

2 stars
Does the Extended School license apply to a university department?

I really like the idea of extended school lincensing. Is it possible to buy this kind of lincence for a university department?

I recommanded my department to get the extended school licence and got approved. As I was about to make the order, I founded it's for K-12 schools only. I really hope we can get extended school lincensing for our department. Our department provided a math education program for K-12 teachers and we will use Cinderella mainly on trainning the teachers attending this program.

We are currently using the Geometer's Sketchpad, but I do not like to teach an application that learners cannot use it at home.

on: Mon 19 of Jun, 2006 [05:46 UTC] reads: 118435

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2 stars
Re: Does the Extended School license apply to a university department?
on: Tue 20 of Jun, 2006 [02:21 UTC]
Thanks a lot! That really helps us and our teacher students. I have made the order.

author message
Aw: Does the Extended School license apply to a university department?
on: Mon 19 of Jun, 2006 [19:55 UTC]
Yes, you may use Cinderella.2 for teacher education using an Extended School License.


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