The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella
Forums-> Cinderella Support (E)-> cinderella does not accept license key at all
cinderella does not accept license key at all
I just purchased the single user license key for Cinderella 2.
I downloaded and installed Cinderella 2 with no problem. I have Windows XP.
When I tried to paste the lic' key into the 'enter key' dialog box, nothing happened, it would not paste from my clipboard. I tried several times (I also tested the clipboard by pasting the key into another document.... it is working properly).
I then typed the entire license key into the 'enter key box' and clicked OK.
This resulted in the message "valid license key not found . Pleas go back and enter the key"....I did this several times with the same result.
Could you tell me how to fix this please ?