The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->error report

1 stars
error report

The automatic error report window provides a button for sending an email.
In my Mac OS Tiger environment that button does not work.

The error encountered was caused by the command Export Graphics to *JPEG.
After that Cinderella did not react anymore.
I had to Force Quit the application.

on: Fri 23 of Jun, 2006 [15:53 UTC] reads: 108040

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Aw: error report
on: Sat 24 of Jun, 2006 [06:56 UTC]
> In my Mac OS Tiger environment that button does not work.

The "send mail" button relies on a connection to our mailserver using TCP/IP. Depending on your network environment, this might not work. You can also copy the text from the error dialog and send it to using the mail software of your choice.

Can you tell me more about the problem you are encoutering with the JPEG export? It works fine here on my Intel-based Mac with Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.6.


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