The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

Forum: Cinderella Support (E)

Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Visibility in 2

1 stars
Visibility in 2

I can not figure out how to change visibility of existing elements. It was possible in old version

Kolya Mnev

on: Fri 15 of Sep, 2006 [19:58 UTC] reads: 138405

Posted messages

author message
Aw: Visibility in 2
on: Sat 16 of Sep, 2006 [11:11 UTC]

please use the Inspector for this, see Inspector.


author message
1 stars
Re: Aw: Visibility in 2
on: Sat 16 of Sep, 2006 [13:09 UTC]
O! I got it!
For existing element I should change "color visibility" in appearence menu!
Thank you!

On more stupid question: is it possible to change the "layer" of an element?
For example, can I switch the way of crossing of two lines for 3d drawing?

author message
Aw: Re: Aw: Visibility in 2
on: Tue 19 of Sep, 2006 [17:16 UTC]

> On more stupid question: is it possible to change the "layer" of an element?
> For example, can I switch the way of crossing of two lines for 3d drawing?

We did have this in one of the beta versions, but it is curently disabled; expect to see it in a future update!


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