The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella

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Forums->Cinderella Support (E)->Update builds after Cinderella 2 is released?

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Update builds after Cinderella 2 is released?

(I tried to post this as a reply to an earlier post but it didn't work for me either, so I'm posting it as a new thread.)

The link to Springer you gave above (in the reply to the post titled "When is 2.0 going to be available?") doesn't work and a search of their site doesn't find Cinderella 2 so I assume it is not available yet.

One of the things I am liking best about this beta period is that you frequently put up new builds. Although occasionally there is a step backwards in stability most of the time there is progress forward as bugs are fixed and new features are added. (And I'm looking forward to more documentation on features that seem mostly or partially done, like macros and the Hardware window!)

After Cinderella 2 becomes available from Springer, and I purchase it, will I be able to download newer builds from your site to use with my license? I sure hope so!

Thanks! — Dave

on: Wed 08 of Mar, 2006 [00:22 UTC] reads: 155361

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Aw: Update builds after Cinderella 2 is released?
on: Wed 08 of Mar, 2006 [07:20 UTC]

> The link to Springer you gave above (in the reply to the post titled "When is 2.0 going to be available?") doesn't work and a search of their site doesn't find Cinderella 2 so I assume it is not available yet.

It was announced there, but we had to pull it again.

The official release will be on April 1st (no joke) here, with the manual from Springer following soon. You will have the choice of the download-only-product, book including CD-Rom, and book only. We will also offer site licenses. More details soon on the main web page.

> One of the things I am liking best about this beta period is that you frequently put up new builds. Although occasionally there is a step backwards in stability most of the time there is progress forward as bugs are fixed and new features are added. (And I'm looking forward to more documentation on features that seem mostly or partially done, like macros and the Hardware window!)
> After Cinderella 2 becomes available from Springer, and I purchase it, will I be able to download newer builds from your site to use with my license? I sure hope so!

Yes, we will both release stable updates and "bleeding edge" builds that will work with your license. This is one of the most important changes with Cinderella.2; the version 1 was kind of static because we had to distribute it on CD.


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